Heidi Hoff




Veg Out

I tried not to panic when my 14-year-old daughter, Emily, decided to adopt a vegetarian diet. As a growing teen, would a vegetarian diet affect her health?I tried not to panic when my 14-year-old daug

Protect Your Skin and the Environment

You’re heading out—but did you remember your sunscreen? And did you remember to check the label on that sunscreen? Turns out a common sunscreen ingredient has been implicated in the destruction of cor

Pencils, Erasers, and Eye Exams

As a child grows, so do the child\'s eyes. Now\'s the time to get an annual eye exam to determine any potential vision problems.New clothes, fresh school supplies, and a fridge full of healthy ingredien

Herb Savers' How-To

Watching your garden die in the fall is hard enough, but losing your herbs is almost too much to bear. Drying them is very simple! Read on to find out how. Just because our herb gardens go dormant in

Can I Still Have a Baby?

Natural treatments can help women conceive after cancer, but many factors need to be considered before being given the go-ahead.It’s a heart-wrenching question that young women cancer survivors often

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