
4 Slow Travel Experiences That Allow for Adventure at a Relaxed Pace

Slow travel is not so much about how fast you navigate a new place. It reflects a philosophy of life. Fast travel is active, busy and hurried. It can be an impatient and frantic way of visiting a new place...

3 Things to Remember When Traveling with Your Grandchildren

This is the story of a 74-year-old grandmother. Of course, this is my story, a story about how I joyfully help my family when they need me in summer, fall, winter or spring...

Adventure Travel is a Way of Mind: 5 Ways Make Boring Trips a Little Wilder

As far as adventure travel goes, I’ve been luckier than most. I’ve slept in desert tends, rainforest treehouses and mountain huts. I’ve trekked through the remotest areas of Myanmar and seen the Aurora borealis. Each and every adventure that I went on changed me in one or more fundamental ways...

7 Reasons Why Melbourne Is a Perfect Holiday Destination for Women Over 60

Voted the World’s most liveable city for seven consecutive years, the city of Melbourne is one of our favourite cities to visit. As the most liveable city in the world, Melbourne has no shortage of things to do and see...

The Top 5 Reasons to Enjoy Traveling Alone

Over the past week and a half, I have been traveling some for business and some for pleasure. And, I traveled solo. While that's not something that bothers me, I know so many women who don't like to travel alone...

How to Plan, Prepare and Pack Light for Stress-Free Travel After 60

My friends were amazed when I told them about my light flights: “How do you do that? You’ll have to tell us how!” I started writing Planepack to do just that: provide tips, advice, interviews and reviews for light travelers...

The Secret Weapon Seniors Have to Find Cruise Deals is…

Back in the good old days, senior discounts actually meant something. A few decades ago, when there were fewer of us out there, being in your 60s or 70s really was a ticket to lower prices on cruises, trains and planes around the world...

8 Tips for Staying Social When Traveling Solo

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover...

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